Monday, July 29, 2024

Red Lipstick and Trash Spawned an A-Ha Moment

Has something very random and/or odd ever spawned an a-ha moment for you?

            For me I will never look at lipstick and trash the same.

Recently, my sister found this cute little vanity play set at a yard sale for Octavia. Of course Nana Tre Tre just had to fill it with some vanity items to make it more fun.  Amazon prime days to the rescue! Two days later I was filling up her little vanity drawer with fake eyeshadows, blush, mascara, make up brushes and of course lipstick.  After Octavia checked each item out, I could see that the lipstick was favored by her more than all the other items in the set.  Whenever she came over she would rummage through all the makeup and pull out the lipstick. She would then proceed to apply lipstick to herself, to her mom before mom left, on papa when papa came home and even on the dogs. The whole lot of make up brought her happiness but there was just something about the lipstick that resonated with her and made her happy even if it was the act of just pulling the top off and putting it back on.... top off, top on, top off.....

Let's fast forward to a recent Saturday when Papa Dennis was in charge 0f watching both X and O (Xander and Octavia) for an hour or two by himself until I got home. He did a great job of holding down the fort. Me being me, needing (wanting) a little organization, (I own it), when I got home I picked up some of the toys lying around on the floor. I noticed as I put Octavia's make up away that her lipstick was missing. I found the top but the lipstick part was nowhere to be found. I mentioned it to Dennis and his reaction was similar to mine with an, "Oh no!" She loves that lipstick! She was putting it on me over and over again!" We didn't fret much because we knew it had to be in the house somewhere.

We went on with our day with the kids (it was a sleep over night) and in between us taking turns keeping an eye on them both while the other one did a task of some sort, we were both constantly on the hunt of finding this dang lipstick. I looked in the toy bins, I looked under couches, I looked under pillows, I looked in cupboards, I looked in the dog cage. Nothing.  At one point Dennis saw me looking and told me he had already looked in all those places too! He even searched the trash because Octavia has been known to throw many things into the trash lately.

The day turned into nighttime and we hadn't found the lipstick. It didn't phase Octavia (that we know of) but nana and papa knew how much joy it brought her and were determined to either find it or buy her a new one but we would wait until the next day after the kids went home so we could do a thorough search while cleaning.

The next day after we got home with X and O from church, they ate and played a little and baby O went down for a nap. THIS was my opportunity to FIND THAT LIPSTICK! I searched AGAIN in all the same spots we previous looked and in addition I even pulled off all the couch cushions this time but still no success of finding lipstick. So I decided I was going to delve into the trash that papa said he already looked in. Plastic gloves on and digging I went!

As I was digging through coffee grounds and slimy egg shells and other gross stuff I didn't even know we had thrown away, I just started praying. I prayed things like, "Lord, I know this is just pretend lipstick and it's really not all that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, but it brought Octavia so much joy!" I also prayed something like, "Please, if it's in here, let me find it before we throw this bag to the curb." But then all of a sudden I had my A-HA moment..... 

"Oh my gosh! This is what God does for me on the daily!!!!" He is always working behind the scenes on my behalf!! 

Here I am working behind the scenes, digging through trash for my granddaughter for something that brings her joy and it's because of the love I have for her. And I realized, my love for my kids and grandkids is just a smidgen of how much love God has for me!

My a-ha moment had me digging more fervently. And then I started THANKING God for all the times He has worked and is working behind the scenes on MY behalf. 

Octavia had no clue that nana and papa were so desperately looking for that little tube of red lipstick. And you may not know it, or may have forgotten, or even have taken it for granted, but I am here to remind you, God is working behind the scenes on your behalf too always. 

I did not find the lipstick in the trash.  

Shortly after my a-ha moment, Chris came to pick up X and O and I continued to put toys away and decided to look in the toy bins one more time and what was sitting right on top of other toys in one of the bins? Yep. A bright red tube of fake lipstick! Earlier I mentioned we didn't know if Octavia was even phased by the missing lipstick. She's not even 18 months old so her jibber jabber is only understood by her but the moment I said, "Octavia! Look what nana found!" She immediately grabbed it and held onto it for dear life! (Which by the way was a rookie mistake on my part as she did NOT want that lipstick leaving her hands. While strapped in her car seat to go home I had to trade the lipstick for a sucker which satisfied her for the moment.)

Never underestimate HOW God works, WHEN He works and WHAT He works with. We can learn lessons daily with the most odd and random items or events in our lives. We just have to slow down, pray, listen and then thank God for all the work He does whether we see it or not. 

Just like Dennis and I witnessed the joy a little tube of red lipstick brought to Octavia, God sees what brings you joy. Dennis and I were willing to go above and beyond for Octavia and have and would do the same for our kids and Xander.

Remember. God knows what brings you joy!

So the next time you see YOUR "tube of lipstick", I hope, like me, you will be reminded of God's love for you and realize He has been and is doing some mighty digging (work) behind the scenes on your behalf.




Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Reconstructed - Again

 October 11, 2022

Yesterday, Oct 10 another surgery was conquered. Thanks to a breast cancer diagnosis back in 2009, breast implants and reconstruction were part of my treatment. However, breast implants don't last forever. 

An MRI showed one of my implants had ruptured which meant getting them outta there!

Apparently per my surgeon, surgery went really well. 😊 But keeping it real and not gonna lie, I am feeling the pain. As long as I stay on top of my meds it is manageable for now. Winning!

But in the true Solodon spirit, there are always some tidbits thrown in there that must be laughed at. And since we have been an open book from the beginning of this journey back in "09", we'll just keep it going. 😜

Ladies my age will understand this one. After eight months of her nowhere to be seen, Mother Nature decided to pay me a visit prior to my surgery. 🙄 It's bad enough I have to start the countdown over again but seriously! Now? Right before surgery?!?! Soooooo, because of that I had to take a pregnancy test before they could proceed with the surgery! 😳😂 Of course it was negative.

So, next my surgeon comes in to talk and to make markings on me. Mind you this is a breast reconstruction surgery and my surgeon is a perfectionist and my dear Dennis is in the room too as I am being drawn on. I can't even imagine the thought going on in his head. 😂 The surgeon then asks if I want liposuction done on a certain area on the side of my breast near the area under my armpit. I said, "Sure! Why not?" I always see that extra skin or fat or whatever it is when I wear a swim suit. So liposuction it is!

We're done with the markings and now we talk with the nurse who will be in the OR room with me and she proceeds to tell me since surgery is more than three hours long I will be having a catheter placed in me. And all I could think of was Mother Nature's unwelcome visit. At this point I'm just thanking God I will be asleep through all of this and likely will not see any of these very lovely peeps again.

I say bye to Dennis and get put into lalaland for the duration of two movies worth of time. I think Dennis watched a couple of Mission Impossible movies. To me it felt like a half hour nap. I couldn't believe what time it was when I came out of anesthesia. Thankfully I did not experience any nausea but was groggy, hungry and had a croaky voice due to the tube that was put down my throat. Surgery was successful with the surgeon telling Dennis it was like scooping jello out of my breasts before replacing with Gummi Bear implants.

I finally got to my short stay room. I hadn't eaten in almost 24 hours. Poor Dennis was hungry and tired too but was ready to run out to get me something to eat if needed. It was 6:31 and the hospital kitchen closed at 6:30 but thankfully someone from the kitchen picked up the phone when Dennis called and I was able to get some gourmet stir fry just like you would experience from Mongolian BBQ! Also ordered breakfast for the morning which we will be thankful for the hands that made it for me.

Between having to have my vitals taken every half hour or so and dealing with pain, sleep was intermittent.

I was discharged around 11am the day after surgery. Immediately after walking into the house I received a call from the hospital saying I had left my glasses there. Poor Dennis. You see, I can't drive so off he went to the hospital to retrieve my glasses....half hour drive each way.

Now I sit here watching my third movie. It'll be hard. I don't do well with not being busy. I don't do well with being the one being cared for. But I fall back on what I do know. God has me where He wants me. Whether it is to reel me back in to learn to trust and rely on Him and others again when I can't do it for myself or to teach me some sort of other lesson, I'm here for it.

I had excellent care at the hospital and now am in good hands at home with Dennis who now has to cook, clean, shop and take care of me in ways he isn't used to. But I know he will do great!

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Secrets Revealed

There are a few secrets you may not know about my Dennis. Until now.....

But first, most who know Dennis realize he is a very committed, dedicated and intense person. He is also energetic, animated (so dramatic 😝), and sensitive. 

He's an all or nothing kind of person, a "let's get it done" kind of person, with a "failure isn't an option" attitude!

He's a planner AND a procrastinator. His plans and dreams are immense, and his blueprints and work space to achieve those dreams are an "organized mess" which can be SO annoying to his wife who is also a planner, but likes "clean" organization. 😝

God gifted Dennis with leadership qualities. He is very successful in pretty much all of his endeavors. He can easily rally those around him in the situation he is in in order to accomplish his goals. He is also very tough on those same people, pushing them probably harder than they like in order to achieve the goals Dennis is reaching for. Most who know Dennis, know all of this to be true.

People who are successful usually don't get to that point or continue to be successful by chance. Even with natural leadership qualities, the behind the scenes grunt work is almost always never seen by others.  

            Hence....some secrets revealed about my dear hubby, Dennis 😲.....

Because he has such big plans and is so committed, dedicated, energetic, and intense with the failure isn't an option attitude, a little of the behind the scenes goes like this:

    Whether it was try outs, practices, or games, Dennis occupied himself finding ways to be the best coach possible. He would watch you tube videos, read coaching articles, google  different practice skills, talk my ear off (as if I knew anything about coaching the sports he was coaching), and constantly texted and called his assistant coaches to bounce ideas off of them. He was non stop searching for ways to do better not only for his sake but mostly to help his players learn and be better! There were practices where he gloved up to be on the field or laced up his basketball shoes to participate in drills and plays on the court, and even ran with the cross country team and tried to keep up with the fastest runners trying to motivate them. Many times this resulted in him coming home limping some days or have to ice a pulled hamstring. But to him it was all worth it.  
    The day of basketball games Dennis would hand his assistant coach a crumpled piece of paper (his "organized mess".) On that paper was a schedule so to speak. They were the names of the players and at what time of the game that particular player was to be put into the game. Dennis spent a good amount of time the day before mapping out a way to allow a fair amount of time for each and every player to be in the game. He also stressed about finding a way to get as many of his players to score at least one basket or get a hit or to beat his best cross country run time. 
    The emotions he felt as a coach always were heart warming to me. Whether a win or a loss he always dissected what he could have done better as a coach to help his team keep doing what they do well and improve what needed improving. The game or the meet didn't end at the buzzer or the finish line for Dennis. He always took it home and looked for ways to be better as a coach to these kids and this effort NEVER stopped for the duration of that particular season. He treated the position he had as another full time job in spite of not being paid as it being a full time job.

    I'm not on the scene of Dennis' work environment, but I definitely experience the behind the scenes. 
    Work doesn't stop when Dennis walks in our door. He takes pride in doing the best job possible not just for his boss but for God. He pushes his people to go above and beyond but he also fights for his peeps. I don't think they will ever realize how hard he fights for them. He pushes for bonuses and raises for his people. He prays for those who work for him and really does care for them all. Dennis oversees the operations of 14 McDonalds restaurants. If one of his people are struggling in running operations, yes, Dennis will step in and push and ask that person questions as to why things aren't going as good as they should be and hold that person accountable. 
    What his people do not see is how the wheels in his head turn over and over to figure out a way to help his people be successful again in a situation like the one above. He never wants to see someone fail. He never wants to see a person leave the business. And when these things DO happen, he will step in and counsel to help try to find a way to make things better for all involved.
    The times someone does end up leaving, it hurts Dennis; not because it leaves him to have to fill another position but because Dennis wants to make sure that person truly made the right decision for his/her overall sake. And sometimes, multiple times, the people whom Dennis had to let walk away? They actually came back realizing the grass wasn't greener on the other side. 
    One of Dennis's love languages is receiving gifts. Words of affirmation is also up high on that love language list. For his birthday, his supervisors and managers all chipped in and presented Dennis with a brand new Peloton treadmill. I saw one of the the supervisor's FB post stating, "Today we surprised THE BEST boss ever." His people may not know but this really humbled Dennis. He called me and said he just couldn't believe they did that for him. He came home and was still in disbelief. 

Anyway. I could go on and on but I won't (I did that in another birthday blog post for him.)

I just wanted to share a little of the behind the scenes of a pretty spectacular, successful man. The outer shell of someone doesn't tell the whole story.

Happy Birthday to my hubby October 24, 2021 the day he turned 53!



Thursday, January 21, 2021


A little tale that came to me this morning, the day after Inauguration Day. 

Back in the day, a long time ago before the internet was invented there were these two young elementary aged girls who became pen pals through a church program. They wrote back and forth a couple of times a month for years and years and eventually became the best of friends. Even though they lived in very different environments, they had so much in common in their likes and dislikes and their belief in God bonded them.


Sometime down the road when they were both teen agers they decided they wanted to talk to each other to hear the other’s voice. So, they set up a time for at least twice a month where they would talk on the phone. Another one of the things these two girls had in common was that neither of them had ever traveled outside their immediate area. One of the girls lived in a humble cottage in the mountains with a vast view. The other girl lived in a rather lavish beach house on the Gulf Coast. 


The girl who lived on the coast decided to call the girl who lived in the mountains on this one particular evening because she knew she would be witnessing a fabulous sunset and she wanted to share the experience with her friend. Little did the girl who lived on the coast know, her friend who lived in the mountains had the most glorious view of sunsets herself and it just so happened that she would be witnessing a fabulous sunset this same evening. 


Something happened this evening that neither of the girls saw coming… argument. 


As each girl described the sunset they were witnessing, they were both adamant that HER sunset was far more glorious than the other. Neither girl would budge on her stance so they hung up both being angry with the other. Each of the girls could not understand why the other could not/would not believe the other when she said, “My sunset is more glorious.” 


(Seems like such a frivolous argument.) 


A few days passed. Gulf Coast girl had been praying to the same God her friend believed in and wanted to make it right with her friend. She received a revelation. Of course each girl believed her sunset was “better” than the other because neither one of them had ever seen a sunset other than the one in her own backyard! 


So, Gulf Coast girl called her friend who lived in the mountains and explained her revelation that she received and told her friend that she was going to save up some money so she could come visit her at her mountain home to witness “her” sunset and asked if she would do the same so that she could come witness a Gulf Coast sunset. 




Each of the girls indeed witnessed a glorious sunset and they both truly believed it was the ONLY way to see a sunset until each of them took herself out of her own environment and moved herself into the other’s environment to see something in a way they’ve never thought about before.


Did either girl budge on her opinion as to which sunset was “better”?


Does it really matter? The fact remains that your perspective leads you to believe the way that you do. The way you were raised, the environment you lived in, the dynamics of your family and so on. Your perspective is your perspective and someone else has a totally different perspective based on factors that were probably different to yours. It doesn’t necessarily make you wrong.


Again, did either girl budge on her opinion as to which sunset was “better”? Probably not, but the effort that went into at least trying to see where the other person is coming from can “move mountains”. It can help bring understanding to why another person believes the way she believes. Neither girl was wrong. They both just had a different perspective.


Remember this when you disagree with someone and you just don’t understand why that person can’t see things your way or why you can’t see things her way. You both have different perspectives.  

And maybe ask God to help you move out of your own head and space for a moment to try to see where your friend or someone who is on a total different spectrum than you is coming from. It doesn't mean your opinion will change but you are at least willing to budge and try to see it from their point of view. 



Tuesday, February 28, 2017


I have a confession to make:

But first,

Nearly eight years ago, surgeries, procedures and recovery due to mastectomy took away about a year of what my "normal" life looked like. And this was withOUT having to endure chemo and radiation.

Working out, being active, typical household chores and more were put on hold for a time. "Normal" activities such as grocery shopping, car pooling, laundry, cooking, cleaning etc slowly were added back in to my life still without much gusto.  Even modified workouts such as walking and the bike were eventually incorporated back in.

 It was probably a year before I could start working my upper body muscles again. The dreaded push up, although always girly style for me, was a thing of the past. I was so weak but push ups, REAL pushups were my goal.  Pull ups would eventually be thrown in there as a goal but years later.  Needless to say, a wall pushup is where I had to start.

Fast forward 7 years, 9 months:

Doing 20 to 25 pushups in a roll is something I am proud to say I can do now and am working on upping that number. Whenever push ups are required for my workout I still modify when I have to but strive to do all of them without my knees on the ground.  They may not always be pretty but.....

Here's the confession part:  So whenever I have a mammogram appointment, the days leading up to it I get down on the floor and do pushups because I start thinking in the back of my head, "If that mammogram result comes back unfavorable, I may get this taken away from me again!"

Yes, I'm a dork.  Well, not really.  Yes the push up scenario sounds silly but if you think about it, we tend to want things more when we can't have them.  We don't realize just how much something means to us until we don't have it.  It's something I'm still trying to work on as a whole in my life; you know, take in and appreciate everything.  One day I hope to conquer this but I doubt it will ever happen on this side of life.  We are always a work in progress!

Monday, February 27, 2017

DejaVu. Sort Of. Obedience - Yes. Intercessory Prayer - Definitely!

Yearly mammograms aren't something I can skip or postpone.  In fact no woman should skip or postpone these but with my history of DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) I wouldn't be doing myself any favors by not following up with these appointments.  This situation felt a little like deja vu from 8 years ago but not completely.

Tues, Feb 21, 2017
was my yearly screening mammogram.  A little apprehension is always going to be there for me.  I don't get scared, I just want to get in, get out and get the results quickly!

The next day...

Wed, Feb 22, 2017 
Dennis is getting ready to leave for work and gives me his ritual bear hug and kiss but it was a little different today especially when he says something like, "I just have so much love for you this morning."  Very sweet guy I have.  About an hour later while working out I get a call saying I need to come back for more tests because something they see on the films is not clear and they need more pics via mammography, ultrasound and/or MRI.  Ugh!  Ok.  But this is okay because back in 2009 when I was called back after my mammo it was clearly because they saw micro calcifications.  This is what started my breast cancer journey back then.  You can read about that journey here if interested.

But for now they just need more info.  Could I come in Thursday Feb 23?  Well, I already made a commitment to babysit and Dennis was already taking his dad to the doctor that day.  I didn't want to stress myself and everyone else out by trying to switch everyone's schedules with less than 24 hour notice.  It wasn't life threatening anyway.  Plus, we had a busy weekend with Matthew and his bowling team competing in Regionals both Friday and Saturday.   As much as I wanted to get in, get out and get results, I chose to take a Monday morning appointment instead.  Besides, if by chance results weren't what I wanted to hear, I wanted to wait until AFTER the weekend was done.

I didn't tell Dennis right away because he had a lot going on at work this day and I wanted to wait to hear from my doctor anyway (it was the imaging department who had called me to set up the follow up appointment.) I knew my doctor would be calling me just as soon as he could and sure enough the office did call me a little later explaining that this call back was more about getting more pictures to try to verify what it is they see because they weren't sure if it was a shadow from my implant or perhaps I moved during the screening.  Either way, more tests but please don't worry.

I truly was not scared.  I had peace.

I finished working out and was more concerned than anything about telling Dennis.  He's a trooper but likes to get answers quickly.  Once I told him the news he immediately went in to "fix it" mode, like most men do, by making arrangements for someone else to take his dad so he could go with me on Thursday to the appointment and not wait until Monday.  Bless his heart.  I know how much he loves me.  Here's the thing.  I had a deep conviction that Monday's appointment was fine....that I didn't need to stress out about this.  Dennis and his sister kept texting me asking me if I was sure.  I really and truly was sure. I know how much this bothered Dennis because he hates the waiting game but I believe God's hand was all over this.  God always has a plan in every situation.  In fact I'm confident He has plenty of back up plans too.  I believe God allows some things, events, trials to come into our lives for a reason.  Not to punish, but to help us...we just have to be aware and on the look out for God's purpose.  I'm not exactly sure what the reason was for this hiccup in our lives but my theory is this, actually a couple different things....
          Theory one. Recently in our small group we talked about how Dennis is quick to speak and pray but a tad slower at sitting still, staying quiet and waiting to hear the answer God is trying to tell him.  Dennis knows this is an opportunity for him in life and prays to do better. By me "making" him wait until Monday he had no choice but to talk to God and practice listening to Him so he knew what he should do to "fix" this.  This leads to theory number two.  Obedience.

          Dennis heeded what the Bible tells us to do: Matthew 18:19-20 "Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agreed about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.  For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them."  Not only did Dennis sit and listen, he was obedient and was not ashamed to ask for prayer on social media (Facebook) that my tests would be 100% normal.  How often do we dismiss going public with our belief in Jesus?  Truthfully, at the time I wasn't having the same "Aha, let's all hold hands and pray for a miracle" moment as much as Dennis was.  Of course I was praying.  I had a little apprehension but I wasn't overly concerned , yet. So many women get called back and most of the time everything is fine.  However, Dennis knew better which leads me to theory number three.  Intercessory prayer.

          Let's pretend Dennis humbly went before God to ask what to do in this situation (which is what God wants) but chose NOT to plead for prayer from others for non-cancerous test results.  We could've sat on this and waited until AFTER the extra tests to mention it to everyone.  By doing that, perhaps test results would have been different?  And NOT in our favor?  No doubt God would definitely have used that situation for His glory if test results weren't in our favor.  He's done it before.  I believe it's very possible God used Dennis to ask for intercession in this little hiccup of our life.  I truly believe intercessory prayer can change the results of whatever situation we are going through.  It may not always happen that way, but it will never happen that way if one doesn't even try intercessory prayer at all.

As you probably concluded, my follow up tests came back in my favor today.  After two more mammograms and an ultrasound, the image they saw is that of a benign cyst.  No need for more follow up at this time but just continue to come back for yearly mammogram screenings.

I have a great God.  I have a loving husband.  I am grateful for his persistence this past week.  Being proactive with our health is so important but Dennis took it a step further and was proactive by trusting in the one true Healer.  God is good indeed!

I love you, Dennis.


Monday, December 28, 2015

Two Friends - Breast Cancer - Lessons

Michelle.  She has had her surgery and is at the beginning of her chemo treatments.  Round two is today which prevented her from going to the airport to see her son off.  He's a marine.

Karin.  A "sister" who I have just begun to start talking to and getting to know finished her chemo treatments on Christmas Eve (2015)!!!!!  Her next step will be her  surgery.  Her mom is ALSO battling along side her from what I understand.

Cabrini's Pink Out game October 2015

Cancer, no matter the type, does not discriminate.  When hit with it though, something happens; strength one never thought could be mustered is birthed.  Emotions one never thought had, well up.  Appreciation for EVERYTHING takes precedent over bitterness and annoyance about things that don't matter.  I'm not sure if Michele and Karin can relate to all that follows but for me......

       You cry more but you also smile and laugh more.  

You care.  OH, do you care!  You cherish like you've never cherished before.  

       You learn to prioritize and set limitations.  It's not easy at first because you're supposed to be superwoman but eventually you learn at this time in your life, you cannot, 


       you do what you can when you can because even though you're tired, you're never ever giving up hope and faith that you're going to beat this.   

You become humble.  Relying on others when you are used to doing it all becomes a way of life during this time.  It's not easy but you go with it and learn to accept the help.

      Your faith in God becomes your strength when you think you can't do it anymore. 

    These lessons learned (the hard way sometimes) become teaching tools for the future.  YOU become the supporter.  YOU become the one someone else relies on.  YOU become the blessing to someone else because you "know".  You know what it is like and will look back and say to yourself, "There was a reason.  I was within God's perfect plan that I had to go through that." Someone else needed me too. 

It goes without saying, cancer isn't the only interruption in life that can teach us to learn from the trial we must endure.  I think we are allowed to mourn, yell, kick, scream and claim it's not fair.  Heck, I did!  I always tried to move out of that frame of mind and ask God to renind me why or who I needed to fight this fight for.

I see in Michele and Karin the strength they have mustered up, the emotions they've felt, the appreciation they have, and how they are cherishing life and all that it has to offer; the little things and the big.  As I watch them, they inspire me to embrace my challenges in life like they are because we really do only have one life on this earth to live and I believe God does want us to live it to the fullest. 

If you're in a place in your life that you don't have the kind of faith Michele, Karin and myself have, consider putting your faith in the one Lord, Jesus who can help you through and give you peace in the midst of the storm.  If He's tugging at your heart to turn to Him, trust it's the right time. His timing is always perfect!